Our partners – in Albania and worldwide

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developement - Albania
We are recognized by the State Commission on Organic Products (KSHPO) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for providing inspection-certification under Organic Law 106/2016.

Agriculture University of Tirana
bio.inspecta and Agriculture University of Tirana through long-term cooperation accelerate the usage of research and educational achievements and contributes to the social and economic development of the country.

RisiAlbania is an innovative project, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC.Together we work to provide more employment opportunities for young women and men in Albania, aged 15-29, in a socially inclusive and sustainable way, through interventions in agribusiness sector.

COSPE – Cooperation for the Development of Emerging Countries
Through our cooperation we promote and work for sustainable socio-economic development in rural communities,the protection of environment and natural resources in the North part of Albania.We aim to strengthen the links between all relevant players in the agro-food chain, such as producers / processors, retailers, consumers, local authorities and sector experts.

GIZ Albania- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
GIZ in Albania aims to Agricultural and Rural Development by increasing productivity in agriculture, employment in rural areas and strengthening tourism in rural areas. Through cooperation we give contribution to a sustainable economic development.

CNVP - Connecting Natural Values and People
We work together to improve livelihoods of rural people through providing quality services in forestry, rural development, environment and biomass for renewable energy to increase the capacity of local actors to achieve their sustainable development.

IOA- Institute of Organic Agriculture
We have a long-standing partnership with IOA to promote knowledge and exchange of information between all interested persons or institutions and strengthen cooperation between producers, processors and consumers

bio.inspecta and LHSH are in a long-term partnership in the inspection and certification of Halal products.Together we are engaged in developing Halal market for different products.

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Developement - Kosovo
bio.inspecta is recognized from Ministry of Agriculture , Forestry and Rural Development in Kosovo for providing inspection-certification for Kosovo based farmers and companies according organic law.

Organika Association
We have a long-term partnership with Organika Association in Kosovo aiming to support the development of the NWFP and MAP sector in Kosovo through sustainable collection and cultivation as well as increasing of production and processing capacities leading to increase of export

PPSE – Promoting Private Sector Employment
Partnership with PPSE is focused on improving market system and growth to generate more inclusive and decent work opportunities, then women and men in Kosovo enjoy better income through investments in product development for quality and diversification of offer and expand of their production.

Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo
Through different interventions of the Caritas Kosovo projects we seek to bring systemic change, strengthening the position of producers, increasing profitability, increasing product quality and increasing cross-border trade.

FiBL - Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and bio.inspecta have a long cooperation in the fields of research, development, inspection and certification for Albania and Kosovo in the frame of different projects, trainings and experience sharing in respective countries.

SECO - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs in Switzerland
SECO and bio.inspecta have a long cooperation in the field of contribution to sustained economic growth, high employment and fair working conditions through projects implementation in different levels.

We have a long-standing partnership with IFOAM. As a member of the worldwide umbrella organisation for the organic agriculture movement, we also support projects in the areas of sustainability and innovation through IFOAM.

EOCC represents the organic certifiers in Europe. As a member of the European Organic Certifiers Council we are actively involved in the advancement of inspection systems in Albania , Kosovo and internationally.

Carbon Standards International AG was founded in 2021 and is a member of EASY-CERT group AG. Carbon Standards International AG is your partner for the development of system solutions, concepts and standards for climate-neutral agriculture and industry.

Our partner Austria Bio Garantie (ABG) is the Austrian market leader in organic and label certification. ABG and bio.inspecta combine their strengths in the national and international business environment for the benefit of our customers.

bio.inspecta and CERtification of Environmental Standards - GmbH (CERES) are in a long-term partnership. Our clients can avail of CERES and bio.inspecta services from a single source.

We are member of GlobalG.A.P and also founder of National Technical Working Group for Albania. We actively contribute to improvements of the standard and cultivation systems.